I had been planning this session with Nadja and Rolf for almost a year. Although they live in Switzerland, they eloped in Red Rock Vegas three years ago and have been returning ever since. We connected through Instagram and over our love for our cats (haha). I was humbled when Nadja (a fellow artist herself) asked if I would come along to create for them. As big country fans, they planned this session around the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Janna and I flew in on October 1st. Thankfully Nadja and Rolf decided to leave the festival early as we had planned for our session the next day, missing the deadliest mass shooting in the modern US. Janna and I were kitty-corner to the festival, where they began to bring the bodies in. After a few frantic hours, we were relieved to connect with Nadja and Rolf to confirm they were safe.I've decided not to rehash the details of that evening because I want this post to be about Nadja & Rolf, what we created together and not about what almost happened to them. I'm so grateful they found me through a social channel that allowed us to connect from across the world. And I'm grateful that I was able to be apart of this, to meet them and learn a lot about myself through the process. I'm proud of all of us for still making this session happen. Endless thank you's to this beautiful couple and their hearts. I hope to see you again soon.My deepest condolences to anyone and everyone affected by that night.
Hair/Makeup: Behind the Blush
© nicole ashley photographywww.nicoleashley.ca
[audio m4a="http://www.nicoleashley.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/03-Venturi.m4a"][/audio]